

Up to you

My turn to write.

So if I see a shooting star, can I make a wish?
Sure you can. You can wish for whatever you want, but in the end it's up to you to turn that wish into reality.

Your way

My turn to write.

I've always heard people saying when things don't go right you go left.
It's a "saying", something "cool" you stick on your bedroom wall. Well if choices and life would be just matters of directions most problems wouldn't even exist.
Truth is, there is no right or left, as there's no black or white. It's all fucking grey my dears, so make decisions, take chances, take risks, fall down and come back up.


My turn to write.

We live of expectations
Of what is going to be
And when it finally is
Sometimes we lose ourselves
We lose that moment
We were waiting for.
It's hard
To catch the sparkle.