

Bye Bye Teens

In a week I'm turning 20. Which means that I already lived more or less a quarter of my life. It's a lot if you think about it. I obviously do.
There are moments in which I am so positive and enthusiast about life that all I want to do is to put that energy into a bottle, to use it when I feel down. How cool would that be?  Whenever you feel demotivated or sad, you could just open the cupboard and take a sip from your magical bottle filled with ImsohappyIcouldrunamarathon kind of drink. I know I know, I am such a dreamer.

Unfortunately that cannot be done, at least not yet. What happens though, is that for every bad thing or sad moment in life, there is always something that comes later and makes you smile again. Prove me wrong if you think differently.
It can't always go well, we encounter challenges that make us  grow and learn. Ok, sometimes life just happens and you can't do anything about it; but it is always your choice to decide from which perspective to see things. To stand up to obstacles and overcome them or stand still and let them stop you.

Today I'm writing something to remind myself what I wanted from life when I was still in my teen years.
- I want to see sunset and sunrise in the same day
- I want to walk barefoot on the North Sea beach
- I want to write a book
- I want to go to Barcelona
- I want to watch the stars and talk my heart out as many times as I can
- I want to never stop traveling and falling in love with new places
- I want to read as many books as I can
- I want to fall in love multiple times
- I want to make the best of all the crap that will happen to me
- I want to keep being friend with my best friends til death do us part
- I want to never ever give up
- I want to surround myself with people who bring me happiness, energy and light
- I want to keep making my parents proud of what I become
- I want to be an inspiration for my little sister
- I want to climb the Machu Picchu in Peru' and scream from the top of it
- I want to make a change in someone's life
- I want to take as many opportunities and chances as life throws at me, knowing that there are not second chances, there might be similar opportunities, but circumstances will never be the same
- I want to always remember that life is tough, but so am I

And I could go on and on for pages.

I don't know what life has planned for me, actually I don't even think there is a plan, it is probably all about the choices we made. What I know is that I want to live my life as fully as I can. It's my story, so it's up to me to write it.

The Carpe Diem phrase has always been part of my philosophy, to make the most out of a moment. My grandpa used to tell me that when I was little (together with other hundreds of Latin or dialect phrases or words), but just in the past few year I found myself actually recognizing the true meaning of those two words. It is probably the reason way sometimes I just silently think about the situation I am in in that precise moment. Carpe Diem is like taking a mental self picture and record all what you are feeling and doing in just a few seconds.
Maybe it is different for everyone, or maybe you feel it too.
It's one of my favorite feelings out of all I experienced so far.

Risultati immagini per magical bottle drink me quotes

Quote of the post: 
 "Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."
                                                                      - Theodore Roosevelt


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