

When September comes

September is the new January.
Let's be honest this is nothing new, at least for me September has always been my January, with the new school year and the end of the summer. You know exactly what I mean if you were on vacation and just came back to start again with high school, university or work.
It's that time of the year when everything goes back to how it was before you left. Materially speaking, because of course I'm not the same same and so are you.
Last year at the end of August a big adventure started, so everything changed, and almost exactly a year after I feel like I made the right decision. I have to say I can't wait for the many more adventures awaiting.
This year was the first one "on my own", not completely and recklessly on my own, I mean living far from home and figuring out life myself. Thrilling. This summer I decided to spend some time working in order to be able to go on vacation the whole month of August. I went to Rome to my best friend, visited a friend in the Dolomites, then to the mountains to my family and finally I flew to Barcelona. I've been waiting to visit the city forever. Actually not really forever, but at least since I was 15, when I started reading Zafon's books (novels taking place in Barcelona). During my staying there I walked through the city and discovered all the places I remembered from his books, and it was great. I also fully experienced how cool hostel life is, so many people from different parts of the world with many stories to tell.
This year I did so much (and a lot happened), traveled so much, learnt so much and understood that I still have a long way to go, but I'm all ready to go for it.

It's so funny when people ask me 'Where do you see yourself in 5 years?', and I reply, 'I don't even know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow morning.' This to say that 5 years ago I would have never even imagined to be where I am right now. Some says life takes you where you're supposed to go, and that eventually you'll end up where you're meant to be. Well, I think it's mostly what we decide, what we choose, what we pursue, and what we do that takes us places or situations. Of course there is always going to be the feared Random Variable Of Life, but what is life without a little chaos, little risk and little surprise? There would be no feeling of fulfillment, achievement, accomplishment. No one likes the Random Variable, but we might just as well accept it, because it's not going away.
Life can hit you hard and make you fall, but it can also surprise you and leave you speechless. Isn't it what we all strive for?
Let's take travelling as example. Why do I like to travel so much? I think I finally figured it out. In the end it is to get to those five seconds of holding my breath in front of something new and marvelous. When I finally entered the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and stared speechless for solid ten minutes at the sealing and those giant windows, I knew it was one of those moments I strive for. The feeling of breathtaking and the reminder that I am so small in this big world.

What happens when you finally get on the top of that enormous mountain you decided to climb? I'll leave the answer to you, and if you haven't reached the top of a mountain yet, well what are you waiting for?

Quote of the post: 
 "What's comin' will come, an' we'll meet it when it does."
                                                                      - J.K. Rowling

P.S. Feel free to leave a comment and ask anything!

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